The Sparkle: Applied Learning Programme
>The Sparkle: Applied Learning Programme ~ POISE @ AMKP
POISE@AMKP seeks to develop in AMKPians the competence and creativity needed to express themselves effectively.
POISE@AMKP focuses on building students’ communication skills progressively in two-year blocks in 4 domains; namely, Physical, Linguistic, Cognitive and Social & Emotional according to the Voice21 Oracy Framework.
In lower primary years, our junior Confident AMKPians will discover their voice by learning to speak clearly to articulate their thoughts, feelings and ideas, follow communication etiquettes, build on others’ ideas in conversations and discussions as well as deliver their lines during the skit performance or presentation confidently.
In middle primary years, our Confident AMKPians will have an opportunity to strengthen their voice by learning to express themselves using clear and accurate pronunciation, convey meaning with expression and fluency, elaborate on their ideas with logical structure and focus, and ask questions politely to seek clarification and understanding.
In the upper primary years, our senior Confident AMKPians will use their voice for service by learning to identify and set goals for the purpose of speaking according to situations, generate appropriate ideas to speak about, develop and organise ideas for speaking as well as to disagree or persuade, and paraphrase and summarise ideas during discussion.